“Be Relentless, Be Courageous, Be Fearless. You Can Make It!”

Dr. Anita K. Smith

Award-Winning Author

“You Can Make It! How To Start Living Your Victorious Life”

Is a motivational and inspirational book that will help readers to overcome trials, have strong faith, trust God, and persevere in the midst of setbacks and life’s experiences, such as: divorce or relationship breakups, financial hardships, job loss, health issues, dreams deferred, and more.

Going through a divorce is life-altering and devastating. It can turn your world upside down and affect you emotionally, physically, financially, and spiritually. It can leave you helpless and hopeless, and broken and bruised. It can lower your self-esteem; it can make you feel like a victim; it can decrease your confidence; and it can make you lose your identity and your mind.

Personally speaking, I know firsthand that a divorce can affect your mind, body, soul, and spirit. When I went through a difficult divorce, I experienced a lot of pain, heartache, emotional trauma, and setbacks. Deep inside my core, I literally thought that “I could not make it!” Negative voices (self-limiting beliefs; the adversary) told me that “you are a failure; you are defeated; you are bitter, frustrated, and confused; you are worthless; you will not love again; you will not survive.”

After battling with self-doubt and hearing those negative words constantly, I decided to overcome my fears, conquer doubt, and defeat the adversary. I rose above my circumstances; no longer broken and bruised. Today, I am living my “best” life after divorce. I am confident, courageous, relentless, and fearless! I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me (Philippians 4:13). If you are going through a divorce or relationship breakup, “You Can Make It and Start Living Your Victorious Life!”

More about “You Can Make It!” Book

“You Can Make It! How To Start Living Your Victorious Life”

This book consists of 12 biblical principles that readers can apply to “make it” through adversities; therefore, encouraging them to “don’t give up and don’t lose hope, when facing tough situations, but to “keep the faith!” The experiences, lessons, and principles can help readers get unstuck from their past, become conquerors, and live a victorious life. Embrace the journey and begin again! Free yourself…love yourself! “You Can Make it!”

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